So it’s been a while since I’ve updated the blob, mainly because I’ve been so busy over the past week and a half. Two weekends ago I went to my first futbol game in
Last week was also midterms so I spent the rest of last weekend studying for them and preparing myself for the week ahead. I had one Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and today. The only one I’ve gotten back so far did not go so well so my grade in that class might not be so hot at the end of the semester (I am still hoping the others went better, I’ll probably find out within the next few days). I was a bit bummed when I found out that I did not do well on this midterm because I spent a lot of time studying for it and I just cannot figure out how to do well in that class no matter how hard a try. I guess the language barrier is really having a bigger affect on the than I thought…I feel a little better that the majority of the people in the class did bad on the midterm, which means I’m not alone. I also lost my computer card for the computers at school this past week, it is the card that you need to put in the computer in order to log into the computers at school (a system which I think is stupid). So now I cannot use the computers at school anymore, but the worst part is the stupid card is going to cost me 100 euros to replace. Needless to say this past week was not my best week and I was looking forward to the weekend and my trip to Paris very much.
I’m starting to come to the realization that my grades might not be as good as they are normally in the US, but I guess that’s Ok because I want to get the full experience while I’m here and if I get a C or 2 I suppose it’s not the end of the world. It is somewhat hard for me to accept that fact since I have been focused on my grades so much my entire life but I am trying to get the mindset down that I’m here for the experience and to learn the language and all of that does not come from the class room. The next update I have is for my trip to
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